Bangalore School Sports Foundation (NGO), a special mission sports foundation established in the year 2009. was created to serve the State & Nation with mission projects, in sports, Education, Promotions, Advocacy, Leadership, Skill development and Humanitarian Services.
The role of the foundation is to identify and nurture aspiring athletes, Special children and youth, Physically Disabled, Intellectually Challenged, & young adults from the most vulnerable & disadvantaged communities creating equal opportunities and prepare them to excel in higher levels as professional athletes.
We at the Foundation have a strong community focus and are committed to working among children & youth from socially and economically vulnerable sections of the society with an objective aimed at getting more children to playing sports, developing their skills, and having a chance to compete in an enjoyable and positive way.
revolutionary Approach
The Foundation stands at the threshold of the most exciting revolution in promoting Sport – Healthy lifestyle & Physical Literacy initiatives for children and youth that contributes to their physical fitness, mental well-being, and social interaction.
The Foundation believes that every child in a diverse democracy deserves access to enabling skills and knowledge, nurturing children and youth through a protective eco system that supports and builds community consciousness empowering them with the right to play sports & education leading them to create a healthy future without any barriers of stigma & discrimination,
The Foundation creates effective programs that prioritize to developmental objectives and are designed to be inclusive by using Sport as a powerful tool for development learning humans, acceptance of rules, discipline, tolerance, non-violence, gender equality, health & hygiene, leadership, teamwork & fun
Our Mission
Reaching out to One Million Children & youth empowering and equipping them with sports, Healthy Lifestyle, Education & Employability skills
Our Vision
Transforming Lives through Sports and Education